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Resident Street

Resident Street fosters personal vision, creative investigation, and arts business skills for ACT-based theatre and performance-makers.

The Street offers an annual placement for ACT-based artists on the cusp of late early-established or established career, seeking the experience of creative practice development within a professional theatre company context. The residency benefits artists seeking career growth and a lift into the next phase of their creative practice. The intention is to: foster personal vision, grow networks and connections, develop new and original work, and nurture theatre business skills. This program is designed to cultivate a new generation of ambitious theatre-makers based in Canberra.

These residencies will be offered over a five year period 2023-2027 and are part of The Street’s commitment to supporting the development of ACT artists in the region. The program provides an annual $10K residency which covers the equivalent of 7 weeks full-time employment with The Street managed in a mutually agreed fashion. The recipient is offered dedicated space and resources and opportunities to gain a broad experience of the company’s operations to assist in meeting professional development goals. 


Applications for The Street's 2025 residency are now open

Download the application form:

Resident Street 2025 Application Word Doc

Resident Street 2025 Application PDF


Applications close 14 February 2025

Previous Artists in Residence:

2024 / Emma Batchelor

Emma Batchelor worked on the development of I Play Myself, an interdisciplinary performance work that draws on her writing and movement practices, examining the many facets of identity and how we uncover what gives life meaning and purpose. 

2024 / Thea Jade 

Thea Jade worked on the development of How These Things Go, a two-hander play set in a remote witness room that follows conversations between a young witness and her Court Bailiff, anonymously named Girl and Bailiff. 

2023 / A—Z Theatre (Anna Johnstone & Cathy Petőcz)

Established new theatre company making work with and for young people in the ACT creating varied work, from The People's House at the Australian Museum of Democracy for Enlighten Fest, to working with Secondary Schools producing major school productions, and developing their new work Hatchlings. 

2018 / Sonia Anfiloff and Ben Connor - opera singers 

Exploration of the use of three theatrical mediums - spoken word, song and dance - within a dramatic framework where all three mediums are separate from each other, but irreplaceable to the function of the narrative. Sonia and Ben developed the generative skills needed to create new work. 

2016 / Sarah Carradine - writer/director/performance maker

Investigation of Dark White inspired by women’s experiences in Antarctica, a whole continent from which women were excluded until the mid-20th century. The piece deals with our drive to exploration, our isolation and the ultimate connectedness of our species. 

Previous ACT based Artists-In-Residence include:
David Temme (stage management)
Andrew Holmes (dramaturgy)
Imogen Keen (set design)
Nick Delatovic*
Alison McGregor*
*as part of Cultural Leadership Program 2011

15 Childers St,

City West ACT 2601

Directions & Map

Monday - Friday

10am - 3pm


Also opens

1.5 hours prior

to performance.


02 6247 1223
Email The Street

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