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Past shows

2014 Performances

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2015 Performances

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2016 Performances

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2017 Performances

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2018 Performances

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2019 Performances

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2020 Performances

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2021 Performances

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2022 Performances

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E.g., 2024-07-27
E.g., 2024-07-27
Street 1
21 - 25 Jul 2015

Dylan Thomas: Return Journey

Originally directed by Anthony Hopkins, Bob Kingdom is an uncanny Dylan Thomas.

Street 1
24 Jul - 05 Aug 2015

Master It: The Actor, Poetry and Poetic Dramatists

A masterclass in speaking verse and poetry in a dramatic setting.

Street 1
28 Jul 2015

The Soldier's Wife

The Soldiers Wife is a unique music project.

Street 1
28 Aug 2015

Christine Anu: Stylin' Up

Celebrate 20 years of this Australian classic

Street 1
29 Aug 2015

Diesel: A Time And Place

Legendary Australian guitarist shares his lifelong influences

Street 2
12 Sep 2015

Neil Murray

Iconic songwriter and member of Warumpi Band solo and intimate


15 Childers St,

City West ACT 2601

Directions & Map

Monday - Friday

10am - 3pm


Also opens

1.5 hours prior

to performance.


02 6247 1223
Email The Street

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