Hear true dating stories that will make you feel better.
Embrace your own inner sick-f*ck
See an improvised play in constantly changing genres
Damien Leith returns with ‘Roy – A Tribute to Roy Orbison with Strings’.
Some familiar and some not so familiar tunes
A Narrative Song Cycle about Australian Genius
Flamenco ensemble Bandaluzia present a spectacular new show.
Love is Strong as Death: Poems Chosen by Paul Kelly
Whitlams classics and a few new songs.
Australia’s most popular live-comedy-news-podcast is coming to Canberra.
15 Childers St,
City West ACT 2601
Directions & Map
Monday - Friday
10am - 3pm
Also opens
1.5 hours prior
to performance.
02 6247 1223 Email The Street
Supported by