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29 November 2023

Xylouris White

The Forest In Me Album Launch


Xylouris White live are compelling. 

Drummer Jim White with a style that can sound like a full band one minute and something stark and beautiful the next and George Xylouris, a self-taught master of the lute with a background in traditional Greek folk - weddings, parties, anything; master musicians both with a supernatural power to express themselves as one. 

"Two seemingly unconnected musical traditions could appear, on paper at least, as somewhat contrived, but Xylouris and White’s never less than compelling chemistry was as symbiotic as calm and storm and rang as true as the dawn chorus. As timeless too.”- The Thin Air

This performance comes off the back of 2023’s release The Forest in Me, an instrumental album drawn from multiple sessions spawned across two continents; Jim in New York City and George in Crete and pulled together by non-performing band member Guy Picciotto. If previous albums drew critical appraisal the response for this, their fifth album, has been exultant.

"I absolutely love The Forest in Me; it smacks of confidence and creativity and is happy to shift expectations and deliver a sound so different to previous albums while keeping its core structure of lute and drums present. Each song surprises and leaves you wanting more, and at thirty minutes long, it is just too tempting to spin the thing again."- Folk Radio UK

Xylouris White will be supported by Darren “D.C” Cross 


Xylouris White Socials


Darren "D.C" Cross Socials


Street One | Reserved | Duration 120 minutes including interval
Click here for information on COVID 19 venue safety.


More information

The Street Presents
Xylouris White
The Forest In Me Album Launch 

Wednesday 29 November, 7:30pm

Tickets: $45

15 Childers St,

City West ACT 2601

Directions & Map

Monday - Friday

10am - 3pm


Also opens

1.5 hours prior

to performance.


02 6247 1223
Email The Street

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