Australian/Scots electro-acoustic trio Sensaround are joined by Canberra based Otiose Duo.
Post-everything experimentalists Tangents head to Canberra in September to launch their second album Stateless.
How blues-boogie-woogie-ragtime-jazz master Jan Preston learned to stop worrying and love the piano.
Chrystian Dozza is one of the stars of a new generation of Brazilian instrumentalists.
A Circus For Life Presentation
... a fun piece, with a serious underlying message
Seriously funny. A man goes to Bangladesh and falls in love. With a bank.
One of the top jazz drummers in the world
"Le spectacle, c'est nous!"
15 Childers St,
City West ACT 2601
Directions & Map
Monday - Friday
10am - 3pm
Also opens
1.5 hours prior
to performance.
02 6247 1223 Email The Street
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