Fit in. Find your place. Grow a beard.
One moment in the maelstrom to define a lifetime - or face national humiliation.
Differences between us are often the most surprising points of connection. Why is it sometimes easier to be honest with a total stranger than w
"Mind the Gap is a locally created showcase of performing arts talent focusing on youth and mental health, which will be held at the Street Theatre on 18, 19, and 26 November.
Unashamed bluegrass sinners, The Pigs, have been spreading their supercharged hillbilly pop around Australia and the world for over 12 years
Not merely a reflection on how to portray her, but a live audience in her company. Saviour or witch? Love her or hate her?
"All men are worms. I believe I am a glow worm!"
Scrooge? I have to redeem old Scrooge? The one man I knew who was worse than I was? Impossible
On 14 October come and spend your Friday evening with the divine sounds of the acclaimed Melanie Horsnell,
Experience Sicilian traditional opera dei pupi (Opera of the Puppets) and the story of Rinaldo and Orlando.
15 Childers St,
City West ACT 2601
Directions & Map
Monday - Friday
10am - 3pm
Also opens
1.5 hours prior
to performance.
02 6247 1223 Email The Street
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